Sunday, March 20, 2011

College-the God Way

There are a few things in college that just come accepted: lack of sleep, money deficiency, eating weird things in the fridge that might be expired, pizza, late nights, friends, change, COFFEE, and stress (loads of it). Some of these things are great, a few other things, whew boy they SUCK. Stress being the biggest one, but what does college look like for the one dependent on the Lord?

It seems to me, that the answer is one of submission, sacrifice, and letting go. Submission to His Will, His Plan, and His Desires for our lives (which I guarantee will grant you the desires of your heart); Sacrifice of Our Plans, and Will, as well as friends, money, and maybe comfort; Letting Go of our stress, brokenness, hurt, and "rights" given to us here on Earth (right to our time, right to good service, right to friendship, etc). You see, the decisions we make in the present have two outcomes: they draw you closer to God, or they take you away (apathy ie non-growth is an example of being taken away).

The week before Spring Break was full of stress, loads of it. But with stress, it's crazy to see how when you give it up to the Lord you feel instantly closer to Him. It's like when you admit you're stressed to a good friend and they take you in their arms, wrapped all the way around your body and just squeeze you tight letting you know everything is going to be okay. When we admit our stress to the Lord we take away the walls and the false perceptions that it doesn't exist or that we can handle it and He pulls us into a close hug, one that tells us things are going to be okay. And we relax, our shoulders, they loose their tense strain and a sigh of breathe escapes from our mouths. God, the Creator of the World, the Stars, Laughter, Happiness, and Joy takes us in His Arms and says, "I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." (Isaiah 46:4). Can you imagine The God of The Universe, the One who has, "measured the waters in the hollow of His Hand and with the breadth of His Hand marked off the heavens" (Isaiah 40:12), whispering this into your ear as you give up your control and let Him hold You tight, let Him say to you, "'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28). This is true of Brokenness, Pain, Hurt, Sin, etc. God is faithful in His Response through all of it!

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