Monday, April 4, 2011

Empty, Blank, Open, New

There's something about an empty soundtrack, an unwritten journal, an uninhabited campus, an open field, a blank campus. It's full of potential, full of hope, decisions, opportunity, and mystery! Anything and everything can happen and imagination is let loose. Memories seep into the scene and the mind just let's loose like a child in a giant playground. Especially when the weather plays along with the game, stormy, windy, rainy, overcast.

Sometimes these types of situations are idolized as something unreal and can be held onto as a replacement to reality, but we're not going to go there, we're taking this a different direction (I just wanted you to be aware there's another way of thinking of this and that is living in the future or the fantasy, but that's definitely NOT what we're discussing).

We'll take each moment and make each day like a blank canvas, an empty soundtrack, a clear campus and open field. Let's take the moment you fling off the covers and we'll hit play on the symphony, rock band, piano, or acoustic set. We'll tell the campus to clear and your brain to play. This day, these 24 hours, the ones that are here only in the minute, the second that we live through them. These blank slates, empty soundtracks, clear snow, and open fields the ones that are only so as long as we walk through them, write in them, paint on them, and play alongside them, they are the ones that we're talking about, these are the new moments, the playgrounds, the times that we need to present in. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself." Matthew 6:34.

Tune into the moment, live your life as it comes at you, not as you reach towards it, or look back on it. We serve a God with a great plan, an amazing purpose, and an awe-inspiring Love and Devotion. What better time to partake in His Plan than the very moment that you're breathing in and out? God is the One pushing play on our soundtrack, erasing our canvas so it's new, clearing the fields so they're fresh for our sight, erasing the Words and ink spots in our journals so that we can write new words and make new impacts. He's the One who wakes us up and watches as we go. He's the One that whispers the invitation, "Live for Me today, this moment, dear Child of Mine. Partake in My Great Plan for this world, fight the good fight alongside me and find the overabundant JOY that comes with it, the ever-increasing STRENGTH that saturates my for Me, choose to draw closer to Me, fill your canvas today with Everlasting ink. You see, Child, 'The grass withers and the flowers fall, but [My] Word...stands forever" -Isaiah 40:8.

Everyday, Child, everyday, the Lord extends this offer to you. Everyday He tells us about His Great Plan: "As the rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is My Word that goes out from My Mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" -Isaiah 55: 10-11. That is His Great Plan, and we are invited to partake in it, live in it, and send back His Word fruitful and growing. Wake up this next morning and hear His Invitation, choose to dwell in it, and Live in the Moment, filling your empty soundtrack, your blank canvas with Everlasting impacts.

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